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NB-100H Bathroom Extractor Fan 100mm / 4" with Timer Humidity Sensor Humidistat - Boomerangg Ltd

NB-100H Bathroom Extractor Fan 100mm / 4″ with Timer Humidity Sensor Humidistat


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This fan features a humidity sensor (a hydrostat) and timer.
The fan, when connected to the power supply, switches on when a
certain level of humidity is detected.
The unit is switched off with a programmed delay (3-30 minutes).
The adjustment is supported with a diode (green) placed next to the
potentiometer used to set the humidity sensor sensitivity.
The fan can also operate with the light switch (the unit is switched
on togather with the light). The unit is switched off with a
programmed delay (3-30 minutes) after light is switched off.


Humidity Sensor
Voltage: 240V/50Hz
Consumption: 14W
Max Flow Rate: 94m3/h
Protection class: IP-X4
Max Noise Level: 44Db

Weight 2 kg


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